Plumbing and Painting
This weekend was stressful. We billed it as a painting weekend, but when you've got plumbers working it's hard to focus on other tasks. Plus there was this low-level feeling of anxiety- is the well going to work? are they drilling holes in the right place?- you can't help but hover and hope they do a good job. Here are our plumbers:

Here's one of the holes they made- straight through the house! It's for the dryer exhaust. It would be pretty hard to correct if it was in the wrong place. But it's in the right place, so not to worry. 
But wait! What's this! BROWN water coming from the well! Nasty silty dirty water! Apparently the well digger should have flushed it out for a day or 2 before hooking it up to the house, though this is something we didn't know (the perils of doing-it-yourself) and now it's already hooked up. We can only hope that flushing it for awhile through the pipes will eventually make it clean.
By the way, we did get to painting. As you can see, we painted the bathroom first, before the plumbers arrived. The paint color is named "newborn". Is that the color of a newborn? Maybe one with jaundice.

Here's one of the holes they made- straight through the house! It's for the dryer exhaust. It would be pretty hard to correct if it was in the wrong place. But it's in the right place, so not to worry.
This is our little on-demand Takagi water heater. Takes up no space and heats water as you need it, so no need for a boiler. It's quite efficient as well.

But wait! What's this! BROWN water coming from the well! Nasty silty dirty water! Apparently the well digger should have flushed it out for a day or 2 before hooking it up to the house, though this is something we didn't know (the perils of doing-it-yourself) and now it's already hooked up. We can only hope that flushing it for awhile through the pipes will eventually make it clean.
The plumber hooks up the toilet...
...and there it is. The excitement is tempered by the fact that the water running through is that nasty brown stuff, which clings to the toilet bowl and makes it look as if no one ever cleans, or even flushes, for that matter. On top of that our pressure tank is probably filled with the silty stuff.

And here is ben painting the kitchen wall "asparagus". The rest of the house is "mountain mist", a very calm pale pale green which reads mostly white.

On a more upbeat note, it was beautiful and blue all weekend. This is our house as seen from our campsite. We had a heartwarming experiences to counter the traumatic nest disruption of a few weeks back. As we sat eating dinner at dusk a Doe came creeping around the pond very tentatively. We stayed very still and after awhile of sussing out if it was safe, a baby deer emerged and came hopping toward her. They grazed and played a bit and I think the baby nursed. Apparently Doe's leave there young in a safe spot all day, curled up and hidden, and come to retrieve them at the end of the day. This one's hiding spot is in the tall grasses next to our pond.