Front Porch, Finished...
The porch was finished in the fall, so this all happened ages ago. It rained most of Friday but Ben was out there in his rain suit working on the porch roof and getting as far ahead as possible so that we would be ready for the work crew. We asked several friends to come up for the purpose of, besides enjoying their company, lifting the piece of glass Ben had worked into the design. He had acquired it from JCDA (thanks Jamie!) and it's such an impressive piece of glass, was determined to work it in. It's a really heavy piece of glass...
Quinn and Inti, 2 friends up for the challenge. Quinn is an expert Maker- he can make anything. They worked on the porch roof and the staircase before placing the glass.
This is a very special piece of glass- It's made by a Japanese company, The Sumitomo Chemical Company, and is called Angle 21. There is a polymer film sandwiched between the glass, and if you look through it at an angle of 21 degrees or less, it is opaque, as if frosted. When you are at a less severe angle, it's clear. This allows us to sit at the kitchen table and look out through the glass door and see the view, but if we are standing on the porch and looking down at the glass, we can't see through it. Neat.
Our lovely crew: Cora, Inti, Ruby, Denise, Adam, Quinn and Katie. Cora and Katie took over cooking dinner because, though I had planned this whole elaborate meal, I forgot that with a baby getting sleepy around dinner time it's not so easy to whip out a gourmet meal. Thanks for the help! We had a great weekend.

egads. little babykins! I miss that age :(
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