Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Let's Continue...

I miss posting every week, but life has gotten in the way a bit and it's just too difficult, but I've not given up. From the last post, you would think we were done but NO, far from the truth. I expect we will never be done, but the projects will become less crucial to basic living and more geared toward enhancing life. This next project, however, was a necessity- a staircase and deck which allows us to have access to the front door without climbing a ladder. It was built in the fall, as you will see from the background colors.

Ben starts with the beams

...and starts adding the deck

he finishes this stage in one weekend.

misty morning

fall colors

Sibylle (Lucy's godmum) and Steve came up, but we didn't let them work as we had already worked Steve's fingers to the bone when putting in the floors. We enjoyed their company as usual.
The next stage of this entryway is very exciting- not to be missed! Stay tuned.


Blogger elan said...

I've heard all about the beautiful Miss Lucy, and raves about your little home. It's great to see some pics. Very cool, you two!

1:31 AM  
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3:39 AM  

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