Final spackle
We finished up the last coat of spackle a few weekends back, with the much appreciated help of Mr. Art Domantay, master spackler (or "mudder"). Art and Marie both came up and camped out on the property with us. Marie helped plant a bunch of little ivy plants with me while the menfolk labored in the house.

Next we prime...
Here's the fabulous crew

Art brought his mansion of a tent, putting ours to shame.

Spackling away. Aren't they cute?

Art is meticulous and experienced and smears on a nice, smooth stripe.

It was sunny but chilly, so we built the first fire of the season. It was a traumatic experience for me because while cleaning out the fire pit I uncovered a nest of something- vole? mouse? and upset these tiny hairless creatures that couldn't walk or see yet, their little teeny feet pumping uselessly in fear as their warm dark home was disturbed. I tried to gather them up and relocate them to where I saw the mama run away and can only hope she found them again. My mothering instincts must be charged, I felt horrible. Actually I would have felt horrible anyway.
We did have a lovely fire that night and enjoyed the hundreds of fireflies signaling to eachother.
We did have a lovely fire that night and enjoyed the hundreds of fireflies signaling to eachother.

The next day ben rented a major power sander and did the final sanding.

My job was to hold the lamp up as he sanded to better see the small imperfections that needed sanding out.

Next we prime...
LOVE the photo of The Spacklers Four - HATE the story about the mouse nest.
Love the way the house looks, all primed - hate that I can't be there to help - or at least take pictures, fix lunch (pat that belly, jump into the pond, sit around the fire under the stars...)
Love you,
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